Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas- Renewing My Focus

This is one last post before I take time off for Christmas and New Years.  I'll come back to writing probably January 2nd or 3rd.

This has been a busy and stressful Fall in many ways.  We've been busy, financially strained, adjusting to life with two kiddos, sleep deprived, and more.  Travis's job has required a lot of overtime lately, since it's been the beginning of the school year, and at times we've hardly seen each other. (He works in financial aid at a local university).  In September we realized that one of our vehicles needed a major repair.  After getting an estimate, we couldn't afford the cost to get it fixed, so that car sat in our driveway for two months.  Two weeks ago, praise the Lord, we got some extra money in, and were able to get "caught up" financially.  Even put aside a large sum for this car maintinance, ONLY to find out that there are many more things wrong with this vehicle, AND our van needs work also.

Whew, why is this happening?!  I've asked that all Fall.  It's not just us, many of our friends and family are also struggling right now.  And now in light of what happened in CT this past week, now I'm asking God new questions.  My heart has been broken for those dear children, teachers, the community, even the man who did that horrible deed. 

I have my opinions about issues of gun control, mental health, mass killings, the law, ect.  But this isn't the time or place.  What I've realized this week is that despite my circumstances, I need to draw closer to Christ.  In bad times AND good.

We have been talking about Christmas in church for the past two weeks, and I'll be honest, in all the busyness I've hardly touched my bible!  Even in trying to get this blog started, I've probably used some time and energy that really wasn't there, and should have gone to the Lord FIRST.

So here's me "signing off" for awhile.  I'm going to go spend time in my Bible and praying for my friends, family, and the hurting community of Newtown, CT.  Then I'm going to draw closer to the Lord this Christmas season, hug my babies, love my husband better, and thank God for His many blessings.  First and foremost Jesus Christ, the reason for Christmas. 


Friday, December 14, 2012

Fitness Group no more...Is Anyone Out There?

Well, I started the Fitness Group with high hopes!  Half a dozen ladies wrote me saying they were interested, but it's such a busy time of the year, so most didn't have the time to do it.  Totally understandable.  Two of my friends from "back home" and I are continuing, and I've been thankful for the accountability!  I have really needed friends support in this, it's been fun and is going well.

When I started this blog, I decided two things.  First, I wanted to speak to ladies in similar places in life: 20s, 30's.  Married with kids or without (yet, for some?).  Just a few years ago I was single and working full-time, so I can still relate.  Second, I wanted to be transparent, and share things honestly from my own life.

I've enjoyed blogging, but since this is so new, my blog doesn't get much traffic yet.  And even when I see that a few people HAVE read a post, I'm not sure WHO.  Are these friends of mine checking in, "random" readers who found me through Google, or is my Mom looking in a couple times a week?  (If you are Mom, thanks, that's sweet.)

So, this might be the weirdest question for readers, but... Is Anyone Out There?  Are you reading, or have you read something in the past?  If you have enjoyed a specific post, or something has encouraged you, can you comment or email and let me know?  It would really help and encourage me to get some feedback.  Because I really enjoy writing, and doing this Blog, but I've wondered if this is something I should continue.

My kiddo is coloring, but and I have dishes to do, gotta go soon.

Hope everyone has a beautiful weekend!  My husband and I are singing O Holy Night for church on Sunday.  Please pray for us, we both have colds, but are going to do our best anyway.  Pray that God is glorified by the gifts He has given us, and that people are encouraged and blessed.


Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday Fitness Group- Getting Started!

Hi Ladies, thank you so much for joining me!  I've been trying to get motivated all Fall to develop better fitness habits, and it's not easy.  If you're life is anything like mine, you've also experienced one (or more) of  these challenges- motivation, time, over-commitment, energy, laziness, snack cravings, health, busyness with kids, and more. 

One of my problems is that I've been trying to do this on my own.  But I've realized that I really need encouragement and accountability from other ladies.  Especially right now with the holidays coming, it can be so easy to gain weight.  Instead of gaining three pounds this holiday season, I would love to start start 2013 with some better new habits.  It's a perfect time to get started!  (P.S.  That doesn't mean I'm planning on skipping out on Christmas cookies! I'll talk about that in a future post.)

Health and Fitness include so many aspects- food and diet, water, exercise, and living an active healthy lifestyle.  I'm going to put these different parts all together and to simply, just call this a Fitness Group.  So when I mention fitness, it means ALL those things, not just weight loss, even though that happens to be one of my particular goals. 

Many people believe that it takes about 60 days to build a habit.  What great timing, so we can continue through the holidays, and a month into the new year.  So our dates are:

Monday Dec. 3- Sunday Feb. 3rd

Let's focus on one week at a time!  I'll be posting every Monday to encourage you, and give us a group focus for the week.
Here's how I'd like for this to work:

1.  Comment on this first Monday post by:

Introducing Yourself
Briefly share Your fitness "Story"
Share your overall Fitness Goals

If you know me (Taylor), maybe add "I know Taylor from _____" or share how you found this Fitness group.  
 (Use the Comment part below the post.  After you comment it will say "Google Profile or Select Profile".  If you don't have a Google ID, ect. just use the drop down, for the option Name/URL, and just put your name in, no URL necessary.)

 2.  Read each new Monday post at the beginning of the week.

3.  Use the Monday posts to share your own thoughts and encouragements, pray for and support each other!

I look forward to being in this group with you.  Look for My Story (below), and post your own story and greeting to the group.


My Story:

I was relatively fit in high school, involved in school sports, though I found out when I was 17 that I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (google it more more info), which can contribute to weight gain.  When I went away to college I got busy and basically stopped exercising.  I gained the freshman fifteen, then the sophomore fifteen...oh dear, then a little more.  I was unhealthy with both my diet and exercise for most of my 20s (I'm 31).  Many times I've tried to "start exercising" again, but have not followed through.  In May I had our second baby, and now I especially need to make some changes to take my health seriously.  My fitness goals are to start exercising regularly, lose weight, improve my diet and overall health.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Fitness group, starting soon!

Hi Ladies, I'm excited to be starting a fitness encouragement/accountability group soon.  I'll be starting Monday, December 3rd, and going for 9 weeks (60 days). 

Watch for the first post Monday!


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Just Be There

I've had a few people in my life who I've been trying to encourage or mentor, both now, and in the past.  But I always have the questions Am I saying the right thing?  Am I mentioning God and the Bible enough?  How much do I just listen, and how much do I try to encourage someone to do or say the right thing, and give input in their life?  Has anyone else experienced this?

I wanted to share an article that I read this morning:

This article probably said it a lot better than I can, but this is some of what I gleaned from it:  It's okay to "just listen" at times, just be there, get to know someone, and build a relationship.  The bible says that even Jesus spent time just being with his disciplines.  Conversations don't always have to start specifically about the Lord.  You can talk about cooking, kids, relationships, work, marriage.  One of my pastors when I was growing up used to call this "common ground," things that we can enjoy talking about with both Christians or people who are not Christians.  If we hope to encourage people towards a closer walk with the Lord, or be a witness to them, we can start by just showing care and being a part of their lives.  Then ask God for wisdom and guidance, to lead to deeper conversations. First, just be there.
